Minister: Rev. Richard J. Grocott BSc
020 8857 1281
Church Address: Westmount Road, Eltham, London, SE9 1XX
Church Profile:
‘The open Book, the Table open to all’
Our worship is rooted in the core values of Methodism and we offer a warm welcome to all to share the life of our church. Why not join us in the traditional Sunday morning service at 10.30 to 11.30 and enjoy a cup of coffee with new friends afterwards? Children of all ages are welcome to join our Junior Church which takes place at the same time as the adult service. Or you might like the very lively Toddler Church on Wednesdays in term-time at 9.30am. Messy Church is very popular. it takes place six times a year, either on the first Tuesday of the holidays at 9.30am, or after school (see announcements on website). We celebrate communion once a month and enjoy a Family Parade service once a year.
You will find a wide range of weekly and monthly activites catering for all ages. We are proud of our Edwardian church and our newly-refurbished premises, which are well used by a number of enthusiastic groups. You will be sure to find something that you and your family can enjoy.
Eltham Park Methodist Church in context
Our Church, as its name would imply, is near a park, but not just one park; the area is surrounded by parks and ancient woodland (the hunting ground of kings). Now, if you hear horses clattering by it will be the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery on exercise round the streets of Eltham.
Look round our church when bright sunlight sparkles through our Tudor-style windows falling on a large wooden cross and a Memorial Book containing the names of our forebears – the building blocks of our church community. In the entrance hall stands the foundation stone of Eltham’s original Methodist Chapel in Elizabeth Terrace built in 1838. Methodism was brought to Eltham by Sergeant William Rudd of the Royal Artillery, Woolwich. History records that, “He was a man of religious zeal who brought God’s work to people wherever he was stationed.”
Now, we are a small church with a congregation of 30-40 people, much as it was in the beginning! Many of us are retired, but our church is easily accessible to the many young families who live in the surrounding area and it is becoming more attractive to them. Eltham is a good place to live with its many open spaces. Community activities abound. This has been a benefit to us and our buildings buzz with activity – choirs, orchestras, dancing classes, Flower Club, Taekwondo, classes for maths and English, etc giving us a useful income. We have a good relationship with our main user, the Miracle Centre Assemblies of God, and their minister occasionally takes our morning service before leading his own service in the afternoon.
For ourselves, we enjoy worship, including the café services which Stephen has introduced, singing with our small choir, coffee mornings, running Lunch Club for older members and friends, and our Second Tuesday Ladies’ Group. We are always happy to welcome friends from the Circuit who would like to visit us.
Church Services:
Sunday 10.30am – Morning Service
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Orchestra (PSA) : 3pm on the last Sunday of the month (except August and December)